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4 Tips on Designing Your Facebook Business Page Timeline Graphics

How To Make Great Custom Facebook Business Timeline Graphics

There is one thing you may be surprised about after you upgrade though!  Despite the fact there is more real estate, the format and dimensions of the primary Facebook Timeline header graphic is not something you will likely just have graphics sitting around for… on top of that there is the badge profile image that takes a little chunk out of it also!  So, it may be time to do some fancy footwork in Photoshop or Fireworks and get some custom graphics up.

Here are some tips to make sure your Custom Facebook Business Timeline Graphics look good:

1.Post An Image that is at least 850 Pixels Wide & 315 Pixels Tall

The concern here is that if you post an image that is smaller than those dimensions, FB will be forced to fill the space by stretching your image.  This is fine if you like image degradation – but most of the world prefers clean crisp graphics.  If you stick to those recommended dimensions or larger, Facebook will not stretch your image and it should maintain around 90% of the original image clarity.

2. Leave Room for Your Profile Picture

In your custom graphic you must be prepared for a hole to be cut out of the lower left by your profile image, which is a square 135 pixels X 135 pixels.  We recommend pushing the majority of the content or important imagery into the right half to accommodate this.

3. Be Ready for the Crop

If the image is taller than the dimensions above that is fine, just be prepared for Facebook to shave some off of the top or the bottom – you get to choose during the process.  If you plan for the above dimensions, you can still leave some meat above and below for when your visitors click the image into the gallery – but just know ahead of time that the crop is coming.

4. Make an Impact

Now is your chance to grab some attention and get some love – make it awesome!


We hope that has helped eliminate a touch of trial and error in your new Business Facebook Timeline Graphic creation, but if you still need help with your custom Facebook business graphics – we are here to help!


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About Charles Montgomery


  1. That is a cool plugin!

  2. THIS reply is being made on FACEBOOK

  3. The original was made on the blog post…

  4. Great tips that will definitely help people save some time and avoid extra searching ;).

  5. Great tips that will definitely help people save some time and avoid extra searching ;).

  6. Great tips that will definitely help people save some time and avoid extra searching ;).

  7. Great tips that will definitely help people save some time and avoid extra searching ;).

  8. Great tips that will definitely help people save some time and avoid extra searching ;).

  9. Great tips that will definitely help people save some time and avoid extra searching ;).

  10. Great tips that will definitely help people save some time and avoid extra searching ;).

  11. Great tips that will definitely help people save some time and avoid extra searching ;).

  12. Thanks Dane! You forgot to use the words of what they were searching for – then it would be even EASIER to find


    like Customizing Facebook Timeline Graphics

    Stuffing like it's Thanksgiving!

  13. Thanks Dane! You forgot to use the words of what they were searching for – then it would be even EASIER to find


    like Customizing Facebook Timeline Graphics

    Stuffing like it's Thanksgiving!

  14. Thanks Dane! You forgot to use the words of what they were searching for – then it would be even EASIER to find


    like Customizing Facebook Timeline Graphics

    Stuffing like it's Thanksgiving!

  15. Thanks Dane! You forgot to use the words of what they were searching for – then it would be even EASIER to find


    like Customizing Facebook Timeline Graphics

    Stuffing like it's Thanksgiving!

  16. Thanks Dane! You forgot to use the words of what they were searching for – then it would be even EASIER to find


    like Customizing Facebook Timeline Graphics

    Stuffing like it's Thanksgiving!

  17. Thanks Dane! You forgot to use the words of what they were searching for – then it would be even EASIER to find


    like Customizing Facebook Timeline Graphics

    Stuffing like it's Thanksgiving!

  18. Thanks Dane! You forgot to use the words of what they were searching for – then it would be even EASIER to find


    like Customizing Facebook Timeline Graphics

    Stuffing like it's Thanksgiving!

  19. Charles Montgomery Hah, guess I am already SEO stuffed for the day 😉

  20. Charles Montgomery Hah, guess I am already SEO stuffed for the day 😉

  21. Charles Montgomery Hah, guess I am already SEO stuffed for the day 😉

  22. Charles Montgomery Hah, guess I am already SEO stuffed for the day 😉

  23. Charles Montgomery Hah, guess I am already SEO stuffed for the day 😉

  24. Charles Montgomery Hah, guess I am already SEO stuffed for the day 😉

  25. Charles Montgomery Hah, guess I am already SEO stuffed for the day 😉

  26. 4 Tips for Killer Business Timeline Graphics!

  27. 4 Tips for Killer Business Timeline Graphics!

  28. 4 Tips for Killer Business Timeline Graphics!

  29. 4 Tips for Killer Business Timeline Graphics!

  30. 4 Tips for Killer Business Timeline Graphics!

  31. 4 Tips for Killer Business Timeline Graphics!

  32. 4 Tips for Killer Business Timeline Graphics!

  33. 4 Tips for Killer Business Timeline Graphics!

  34. I love Charles Montgomery!

  35. I love Charles Montgomery!

  36. I love Charles Montgomery!

  37. I love Charles Montgomery!

  38. I love Charles Montgomery!

  39. I love Charles Montgomery!

  40. I love Charles Montgomery!

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